Monday, August 6, 2012

Well, I Gotta Tell Someone!

Well fellow cinephiles, the day of judgment has arrived. It is my great honor to announce that my piece, "The Lady is a Tramp" won the recent Film Classics Writing Contest:

“Brilliant piece of analytic depth on the character Sadie Thompson and the film versions she was portrayed in. The article was literally alive and vibrant – everything was described in such a great visual sense that it was as engaging as any piece of [literary] work in film blogs today. Wonderful!”

Yes, I am bragging, I know, but as you fellow writers and readers will understand, a little validation after all the blood, sweat, typos, and tears that we shed while keeping our blogs running is a very satisfying and welcomed sensation. I truly love what I do, and to know that others are responding to it so positively makes me gratified beyond words. I am truly humbled that my article was selected, and I extend my congratulations to all of the other writers, whose entries earned them an equal amount of kudos  and praise from the judges. I am sure that the final decision was not an easy one.

More information on the contest results and the other finalists, etc, can be found here, and I encourage you to check out all of the authors' blogs and keep the film loving channels open.

Thanks again to the Film Classics Community, and thanks to all of you lovely readers for continuing to visit my site and share your thoughts and passions with me. Have a great week, and stay tuned for more Garbo!


  1. Congratulations! You deserved it, your piece was amazing!

    1. Thank you so much! I am looking forward to reading yours as well. I can't believe you submitted so many! You must be one tired, brilliant girl!

  2. Congratulations, Meredith! I haven't read your piece yet, but I've always known that you're an excellent writer who puts a lot of thought and effort into your articles, so I know that you more than deserve the recognition.

    Thanks for all the work you put into this blog! The consistently high quality of your articles never fails to amaze me.

    1. Thanks, Becca. That really means a lot. I am blushing right now and wishing I could give you a hug. :)

  3. Meredith, your writing is always top notch. Congratulations - very well deserved!
